Thursday, August 5, 2010
This patch added to the game was neccessary in order to fix all of the issues with the CASTLE STIMPLEPOINT adventure, since many players entering that extremely well done keep were having problems finding their way in. It probably would have helped if we put a door somewhere in the front of the keep.
The two Golems standing guard in front of the portcullis to the entrance of the castle can't be made to laugh, regardless of how many times you use the "lifting leg and farting" emoticon.
In order to get in, your pet must be level 15 in order to survive you throwing him over the 30 foot gate, or squeezing him in between the 2 inch gap in the bars. Then he must have an intelligence of at least 55 in order to understand how to work a portcullis raising contraption.
Every fifth cobblestone in the courtyard is not completely rendered, causing you to glitch under the program and leave you floating in limbo. Jump randomly as you cross.
That thing you thought was a cool new sword is actually a crappy looking rock placed high up on a wall where you can't get it. Hope you weren't planning to get to work/school on time.
The boss at the end of the dungeon is easier to kill with a group and impossible by yourself. Make some friends why dontcha?
The green haired goblins are no different than the red haired goblins, but after this patch, they'll have the same blue hair color to avoid confusion on the internet forums.
That fluttering of the screen and high pitched electronic groan was a huge dragon flying overhead. We recently added the shadow, so you'll get the full effect of the awesome sight when this randomly occurs.
The fact that you can walk through trees in the courtyard is that.... they are Spectre Trees... yeah, that's it.
Your pets or companions will randomly NOT act like you told them to, just as you're about to die.
This new patch automatically deletes anyone's character if they mention the words HALO or MODERN WARFARE 2.
All Orc characters are blessed when they enter the castle. Ah hah! Should've picked an Orc, you elf-loving creep!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
NEW ORCFEST 3 CARD TRADING GAME: Orcfest 3 - Adventures in the 2nd Dimension
We here at UnixEnix have determined that we've just not made enough cash with a simple video game which has millions of users worldwide, and it's just not enough to charge $19.99 a month to use that service to those millions of users. We need to hook the younger crowd, like using Joe Camel to sell cigarettes to young kids, we need to come up with a trading card game to hook them, because they don't have credit cards or their own computer to waste valuable hours on a time wasting video game. It's hard for these pre-teens to "ditch" school to play our game while they're parents are at work, especially when their parents drive them to the front doors every morning.
So, we came up with an exciting new concept of Orcfest 3: Adventures in the 2nd Dimension. Cool, right? Cards are two-dimensional... pretty clever, huh? Our concept artists spent many sleepless and licquor-filled nights coming up with the drawings for these cards. Some of them even had to get divorces and restraining orders due to the strain on their marriages and relationships due to the time crunch we were under. The art stands alone as the single most important aspect to the success of the cards... along with the cash, so their sacrifice is greatly appreciated.
Our decision to include a tasteless card-sized, pink mass of a piece of chewing gum, didn't come easily to us, but we wanted to relive our roots. We here at UnixEnix grew up with trading cards and that piece of gum that would shatter if you looked at it wrong, was an iconic time in our youth. That piece of pink "Soylent Green" kept us going as children.
But, enough about us! The game is awsesome and the rules actually make sense. Also, we've added the silver, pressed laminated collector's card in every twelfth pack to keep kids buying the cards even though they've probably got fourteen of every card already.
And in order to really take our young customers nerd-dom to a whole new level, we've included special card stickers they can put on their notebooks and be laughed at by everyone at school. Also, in order to keep the parents buying the cards, we've included a free nicotine patch in every 20th pack, so they have the chance to live longer and buy our products.
Each player is called a Festivian Battlerager and has a magical deck of gum-smelling summoning cards. Each player gets to draw 8 cards from his or her deck, except the player to the right of each player who gets to pick an additional 2 cards. They then have to play a terrain card first before they can play any creature cards, except flying creatures and swimming creatures and arboreal creatures, as long as they played a tree card first.
If a card has a +1 on attack rating at the bottom of the card below the temper rating then they can attack out of turn any other card or player. If the card does not have this then the player to the left of the turn player can pick a card from the bottom of the 2nd player to the dealer's right's pile. If the order becomes confusing, just remember "righty-tighty, lefty-loosy".
Any spell cards have a lightning bolt border on them, except the lightning bolt spell which has a firegate border around it to avoid confusion. They can only be played at the beginning of the player's turn, the middle and the end of the turn, as well as the epilogue. They can always be used as a defense against an attack from another player in a "rock-paper-scissors" situation, or in this case, "battle-axe, parchment, guillotine".
Terrain cards are to include the following: Swamp, Mudslide, Junkyard, Lava-riddled, Snow, Glacier, Michigan, Wasteland, Gravel, Cornfield, and Gettysburg Memorial Battlefield.
Cards are separated into Disciplines which reflect the Battlerager's
alignment or life interests. They include; Druidic, Magic-Abuser, Necromancy, Necrophilia, Necropolis, Teeth of the Wolf, Fin of the Shark, Balls of the Monkey, Aerial-Magic, Earth-Magic, Fire-Magic, Earth Wind and Fire-Magic, and our favorite Orc Warcrusher.
The Orc Warcrusher is hard to obtain by merely buying many packs of cards and hoping to get these rare cards, you must buy boxes of cards and e-mail the secret code inside the lid, so that we can send you one card at a time over many weeks or years at great shipping expense. Nothing is too good for our young, and now quite probably addicted fans.
So, in closing, the new card game release is set for May 5th, 2010. Be the first to obtain the cards and forge your new status as a schoolyard Festivian Battlerager!
"Wow, the rare platinum encrusted Orc-Warcrusher 1000 attack card, and on my first pack! Wait'll I tell the guys!" - Excerpt from 40 year old's rant after buying his first pack of cards
Monday, February 1, 2010
The dwarven race has always been a huge staple in the fantasy literature genre. They have been such a staple, that even the largest and most efficient staple remover could never pry them from the genre. This short, stout and bearded race enjoys mining and fighting for the right to mine. If their name doesn't reflect the fact that they're a miner, then they just aren't a dwarf. Names like Shaleshovel and Flintrockslide are common enough, but pale in comparison to the names inviolving their second passion, fighting.
With surnames like; skull-splitter, orc-cleaver, hammercrush, gutripper, dograper, lightonfire, axethroughthe head, etc. The dwarf reigns supreme in the future speed metal band's choice of names list. The dwarf frequently spends his entire life with a horned helmet (one horn broken), engraved armor and a huge battle-axe strapped to his back. Dwarven sex usually involves a long period of foreplay where both parties spend massive amounts of time removing armor and weapons. They usually give up, and that's why dwarves only usually have one offspring in a single 800 year lifetime.
Dwarves always speak in some sort of scottish or irish accent and say "Lad" a lot, even to females they meet throughout an adventure. They usually like to drink ale or mead and frequently fight after doing so, or mine for precious gems after they get a buzz going. Dwarves can outdrink any race, including the irish, and can keep their heads in combat, even while the rest of the party is being beheaded.
The most common aspect of dwarven society is their beards. They are the only race that has beards with 100% of the male population and 98% of the female population, the other 2% being some sort of he/she hybrid which is usually thrown from the nearest mountaintop. Their beards are notorious for holding bird's nests, dribbled alcoholic beverages, spittle, tobacco residue, burrs, insects, bottles of alcoholic beverages,
and japanese soldiers who don't know the war is over.
Some of the most famous dwarves are the ones from Snow White; Sleepy, Sleazy, Dopehead, Sneezy, Dork, Frumpy, and Happy. Some others are Gimlet, from Lord of the Rings, Danny DeVito, the ones from that reality show that have normal size kids, and any chick under 5 feet.
Dwarves in our game dwell in a huge underground city called, Thundermine. They have thousands living in hovels carved into the cave walls and hoist water up in pails on ropes from a huge underground river called Thunderiver. Here, they have frequent get-togethers known as Thunderparties, where they drink until they pass out, or stumble into a bottomless pit called, Thunderpit.
Their king, Burp Splitskuller, is their greatest warrior. He has seen hundreds of campaigns against enemies like the orcs or the elves, and in an act of drunken stubbornness, the dwarves! His legendary axe "Cleavon Little" has helped him to maintain superiority for centuries. Nobody has had the courage to challenge him for authority, even when the majority of the population is sober.
So, when choosing a dwarven character, your choices are; fighter, warrior and brawler. Theire are no magic based dwarven characters, nor are their any professions other than mining (except for the brewing profession). Remember, to make him look cool. I suggest the one horned helmet and the ornate armor with the matching battle-axe. If you don't like that, don't pick a dwarf.
"By the Power of Caved-in Skull" - King Burp Splitskuller raises his axe to the sky, expecting a lightning bolt to strike him, but nothing happens.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
In one of our first posts on the ORCFEST 3 Blog, we went over some cheats in order to help you get more involved with the game and to give the "Noobs" a leg up on the competition. Let's face it, some of these Level 70 guys will pull your head off and sh*t down the hole, with all the magic stuff they've been collecting for the past few years.
If the Glimmer Balls are giving you trouble, go to the bottom of the screen and click on the "Search for Party" icon and look for a group of similar level characters to help you. If this doesn't work, go to the bottom of your screen, and on the lower left, hit "Start" and then "Shutdown".
If you are of the Hunter class, make sure you train a good animal companion. The platypus, emu or gerbil are excellent choices.
Watch frequently for Dragon "Doody", if you see a huge shadow getting larger and larger over your character.
Remember, war is not the answer, unless you're an orc, then kick some serious elf butt!
Make sure you feed your dead party members to the Arch-Demon on Level 29's 3rd dungeon.
100 copper= 1 silver
100 silver= 1 gold
100 gold= 1 platinum
100 platinum= 1 diamond
100 diamond= one ounce of whale pheromone on the black market
The skeletons roaming the Stormbleach Keep can only be defeated by re-enacting that scene from "Jason and the Argonauts".
MANA is not used as a measure of magical power in this game. We use the term, GLITTER.
Devour the pancreas of the Voldrani Bungbeasts in order to heal quickly after a battle.
There's various running styles for your character as you cavort through the realms: Wedgie, Wet underwear, corn cob up the A$$, and I think I just crapped myself.
Remember to hesitate before you're about to cast the ring into the volcanic fire.
That Jason Statham fantasy movie (based on a piece of crap game) was a piece of crap. The orc copies in that piece of crap, looked like crap.
As you make decisions in the game, there are little game pixies who actually roll the dice for the events unfolding on the screen. Feed them a cookie now and then.
When creating a character, make it one of the opposite sex, so you can feel what it's really like to be that.
In Golimsbad, be sure to visit Farnsworth the Freak, and get his herbal remedy at the dispensary, since they passed that law a few years back.
The buzzing noise you hear frequently in Gornfang Forest is not a bug in the programming, but huge swarms of bees lurking just offscreen, which you can't kill, disperse or interact with at all.
All guards are A-holes! Kill them without mercy.
When pickpocketing as a thief, make sure you're sulking.
Sorry, that didn't make any sense, I meant skulking.
Oops! I meant, make sure you're a Skull-King, that's a level 25 thief of the guild.
When going on a "Ravage" with other players make sure you leave no huts unburned.
At random, the spoken "Shakespearean" dialect of the elves will be put into the orc character's lines in the game, and at the speed of "Alvin and the Chipmunks".
When fighting the "Spectral" undead, make sure you use EVP and your thermal camera. Go over your findings with your host at the end of the show.
Arrows flying into your character don't neccessarily mean the person firing them is your enemy. Check your Charisma level.
Breathing underwater causes instant death. Holding your breath underwater causes a little bar graph to appear above your character.
They had explosives in that LOTR movie? What the sh^t is that?!
An evil alignment usually means that your tires are wearing more on one side than the other.
Remember to look for the Dragon's weakness. It's usually chocodiles.
The endless trees in the game are all individually crafted by the greatest of computer programmers. The stupid names of the places and creatures in the game are all individually thought up by stoner dropouts.
The endless barrel smashing, while looking for treasure, can get a little tedious. Pretend you're Elliot Ness and you're giving it to those bootleggers!
Thanks for reading our latest Cheat entry. I hope this gets you to Level 50 quicker than that pederast ELFSPLITER666, that guy has been a bug up my a$$ since we started this game. Every time I try to get into the Dungeon of Ill Repute he's always there to snub me and kill my 25th level Orc Shaman, so I have to start over again at my save point.
"If you cheat, the world dies a little bit around you" - Philosophical B.S. from Borador the Fallen
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Send in the Elves
Well, we can't keep going on and on about Orcs, not while there's a pasty teabag of a race called the Elves that we can go on about endlessly. Thanks to Drizzt Do'Urden and Orlando Bloom's portrayal of the otherwise on-the-page faggot of an elf, Legolas, the elves have dominated the MMORPG character lists for years. The #1 race picked by overweight chicks from coast to coast, the elves reign supreme in their vegan, tree-hugging realms.
A magical race of thin, beautiful, flowing locked homosexuals has made a huge impact on the fantasy genre in the last 80 years or so. Before modern heroic fantasy, the elves were stuck at the North Pole making wooden toys for Santa Claus, now they wield double bladed swords and can shoot the eye out of a Goblin at 100 yards.
They are one with the forest and live for a 1,000 years. They enjoy pools of radiant water in which they get at least 200+ channels, and spout Shakespeare like you've never heard it before. Their most endearing quality is their languages: Mundanian and Quiznosian. Only true nerds can speak these languages of the shimmering realms fluently. They can only be supplanted by the Trekkers who speak Klingon... which, let's face it, is a real language.
Most players pick an elf warlock and then they deck him out with various rods, wands and staffs and play him until he reaches level 50, where they then sell him to some idiot in Des Moines for $250. The players can't wait until this character can summon armies of imps, wield chain lightning and excrete pure fantasy pleasure as they mow down orc villages with a conjuration or two.
The Elf Hunter is also good, with his trusty longbow and companion forest wolf at his side. This class was usually an ex-electric guitar guy from the 70's who lives in Michigan and hunts wild pigs on his own ranch.
And let's not forget the Elf Druid. This class is the tree-raper of tree-huggers! All they do all day is collect herbs and talk to stalks of corn. Their only defense is to entangle their attackers with vines from a nearby thicket and cower in the corner. But, the druids are cool, I mean, they built Stonehenge didn't they?
From the pages of the Nearly Forgotten Realms books, the character of Drizzit Dough'Urden has been the forerunner of the dark elf character. Singlehandedly, one character has defined a race sought after by D & D geeks and RPG players all over the world.
The dark elves are cool because they just don't give a f%$k! They live underground with no sunlight and worship some kind of Lovecraftian demon god. Their society is chaotic and violent, where family houses fight for control of the housing market and property values of the underworld.
They are usually black skinned and with flowing white hair, which is obviously a weave of some kind. They use cunning and assassination to get ahead in life, much like John Wilkes Boothe.
Their evil innate powers are: levitation and a globe of darkness, which the latter blocks everyone from seeing the strings which create the levitation illusion. Let's face it, they're pretty friggin cool!
Come on, I know you've done it? You've made an elf character, then you darkened his skin and made his hair all white and tried to call him Drizzt... only to have the game tell you "That name is not available". And, that's because the first guy whoever logged in to play our game used that name before anyone else, thinking he was so into fanatsy and everyone would love the "reference" to the dark elf.
Anyhow, enjoy your Elf, whatever his class may be and make him look cool would'ya please?
"Fare thee well stout-hearted traveller." - an elf in Lothlortigan Woods, being a total fag.
We are proud to share these photos of famous orcs throughout popular culture that have helped to shape the modern version of the orc we all know and love to this day. Remember the evil that they represent and that will make it a little easier to accept these iconic monsters of the greatest fantasy epics of all time.
"You soul stealing bastard!" - Battlecry of Elmond the Hunter as a tourist tries to take his photo. (The tourist was killed seconds after the outburst, because he didn't know about Elmond's people and their fear of cameras.)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Future of the Orc
Hah! Looking at that picture above you didn't believe me about the ROBO-ORC thing in the previous post didya?!
Well, it seems that the orc may be outliving his uselessness afterall. We've seen fantasy properties where orc-like creatures are called different names like; Hurlocks, Grunts, Grogs, Mogs, etc. But, let's really call it what it is... an orc! Changing a green guy's name doesn't cloud the fact that you plagiarized the hell out of someone's work. If it grunts and walks like a Planet of the Apes reject, then an orc by any other name would smell as nasty.
A huge iconic race of characters was created by a stuck up british guy in the 1940's and they've been with us ever since. So, yeah, he lived through WWI and saw the orcs as the German war machine bearing down on him while he slogged through the mud ridden trenches. Yeah, he saw the rise of Hitler and the Nazis and made an allegory about Saruman and the Uruk-Hai . He even inspired some "down under" filmmaker to replicate Hitler's speech at Nuremburg, with Saruman preaching to the thousands of orcs below the Tower of Orthanc. Yeah, he also saw his forests being eradicated by what he thought were orcs, out of the view from his balcony. Damn, Tolkien was out of it, wasn't he?
But, today, what do the orcs really mean to us in our everyday lives? Maybe it's your green skinned, tusk encrusted boss hovering over you as you slave at that cubicle job? Maybe it's your smelly, green breasted wife nagging at you to keep your battle-axe off of the coffee table? Maybe the orcs represent the pounds of fast food slogging away through your intestines and ravaging your colon with ladders on hooks and siege machines? I believe they represent evil in the way it was meant to be represented, green with tusks jutting out of their bottom jaw, ready to cleave you in two.
And what of the future? Do the orcs have a place in our Facebook and Twitter society? Maybe, the orc will evolve into pure A.I. and cause the downfall of man? Maybe O.R.C. is a three letter word, an acronym for the apocalypse... and by apocalypse, I mean a bunch of green guys with tusks crashing through your front door with battle-axes. Just maybe it's the 666 we've been looking for; the Number of the Beast! O is the 15th letter multiplied by R and using the square value of C.... well it doesn't come out to 666, but you get the idea.
I think the future holds more orc copies than we've ever seen before, because screen writers and authors are lazy individuals and like to use the "homage" excuse for everything. Oh, it's an "homage" to Lord of the Rings! Let me tell you something, cousin. Lord of the Rings doesn't need any more "homages", in fact the entire fantasy section at your local bookstore is a Lord of the Rings "homage"! And more game developers will have their Orcfest "homages" now, so be ready for the next orc incarnation to show up, crawling out from under the toilet rim while your trying to take a peacful crap. That's how bad it's going to get!
"Thank you sir, may I have another" - Sir Belvedoorknob receiving pennance from his horse.
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